Strong neighborhoods honor and care
for their elders
MCC offers older adults opportunities to remain healthy, in their homes, and vitally connected to the community.

Older Adults Meal Program

MCC’s Older Adults Meal Program offers 1,100+ Milwaukee County older adults a healthy, warm meal and an opportunity to connect each month. Providing meals and meaningful connection to elders at thirteen sites throughout Milwaukee County, the Older Adults Meal Program is operated in partnership with the Milwaukee County Department on Aging. For information call 414.645.5350.
MCC operates meal sites at Arlington Court, Beulah Brinton, College Court, Convent Hill, Elks Lodge #46, Franklin City Hall Community Center, Hart Park, Lapham Park, Lois and Tom Dolan Community Center, OASIS, South Milwaukee, West Allis, and Milwaukee Christian Center’s main site.

Older Adults Center

MCC’s Older Adults Center provides 160+ older adults a safe, welcoming place to stay connected, healthy, and well. In addition to offering a healthy meal, the Older Adult Center hosts classes and events that enrich elders’ lives and strengthen connections. The center is operated in partnership with the Milwaukee County Department on Aging. For information call 414.645.5350.
Program Partners: